Editorial Board
Zhang Yongxin, p.hd
Associate Professor
CEO, Zyxell Inc, Carrollton, USA
Research Interest: His research areas include Immunology, Microbiology, cell transplantation, stem cell technology and bioreactor development. His very recent studies have been more focused on cancer immunology.
Editorial Board Members
Huang Wei Ling, MD
Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929 - FRANCA - SÃO PAULO - Brazil - 14.400-010
Liliana Mereu, p.hd
Office: A.O.U. "Policlinico - San Marco" P.O. Gaspare Rodolico / Clinica ginecologica Ed. 3 - Via S. Sofia, 78 Catania
Evangelia Antoniou, p.hd
Contact Director of the Laboratory Dr. Evangelia Antoniou Tel.:+30 6977 960041
Ian James Martins, p.hd
16192 Coastal Highway, Sussex, Lewes, DE 19958, USA
Bassel Abouzeid, p.hd
Professor, USA
Abanoub Gabra, MD
Physician-Assuit university,USA
Mohadetheh Moulana, p.hd
University of Mississippi Medical Center, United States
Aaron Lisberg, p.hd
Associate Professor, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, California, USA.
Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh, p.hd
Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Green Lake University, USA. Designation: Professor
Janice L Werbinski, MD
Clinical Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, USA
Gloria X Zhang, M.D., M.P.H.
Breast and Gynecological pathology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
Yusheng Zhu, p.hd
Penn State University Hershey Medical Center,USA
Hilal Arnouk, MD Ph.d
Department of Pathology at Midwestern University, USA.
Karina Villalba, MD Ph.d
Department of Population Health Sciences, College of Medicine University of Central Florida, USA.
Leslie A Appiah, MD
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Kentucky College of Medicine Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Akmal Nabil Ahmad El-Mazny, MD, FICS
Obstetrics and Gynecology, -University: Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
T.C. Beykent Üniversitesi Hadımköy Yerleşkesi/Akçaburgaz Mevkii, 34522 Esenyurt/İstanbul.TURKEY